Hit-And-Run Accidents

Hit-And-Run Accidents

Taking Action And Getting Compensation After A Hit And Run

A motor vehicle accident is a shocking and traumatic event. The negligence of another driver has caused serious injuries that require immediate medical attention and possible legal action. However, many intoxicated, unlicensed, uninsured or just fearful drivers decide not to stay around to be held responsible, choosing to “run” after they have “hit.”

Hit-and-run accidents can leave victims confused, especially about their next steps and where compensation will come from. Additionally, it can make them worry about their premiums and what will happen to them if they have to file a claim.

At Kelly, Reed & Jansen we take the unknown out of hit-and-run accidents by acting as compassionate guides throughout the entire legal process of recovering damages.

Overcoming The Challenges To Maximize Your Compensation

The legal team at Kelly, Reed & Jansen combines experience in all types of personal injury claims. We know the types of injuries that result with a particular type of motor vehicle accident and the compensation necessary for victims to recover. We also know the challenges involved in hit-and-run accident claims when the negligent party cannot be found.

While law enforcement investigates the crime and looks for the suspect, we get to work on your case. Many hit-and-run claims involve uninsured motorist insurance to provide bodily injury coverage. However, the policy will not cover damage to your vehicle. Since Missouri requires this type of insurance by statute, options do exist for recovering compensation.

Do not assume that your chances of recovering damages are slim to none just because the negligent driver fled.

You can still pursue justice with the help of one of our seasoned and skilled attorneys who will fight to maximize your compensation. We can walk you through the steps to take after a crash, make sure you understand your rights, are getting treatment for your injuries and that the insurance company is treating you fairly.

Contact Our Team Of Accident Lawyers

Contact Kelly, Reed & Jansen, LLC, to discuss your auto accident case with one of our attorneys or paralegals. We are available for free consultations during regular business hours and by appointment at other times. Call 816-347-1818 or fill out our intake form to schedule an appointment.

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